Humanize | Page 16

Uighur Protest

Uighurs Need All the Help They Can Get

China is the most effectively tyrannical country on earth and one of the most despotic in history. As if the COVID debacle and Hong Kong suppression weren’t enough, these days it is energetically suppressing religious belief — because to the Communist Party leaders, there can only be one source of truth and one locus of loyalty, and that is the State. Read More ›
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon
woman in green shirt beside woman in blue shirt

Why Fear Masks?

A friend asked for my thoughts about a new performance of Monteverdi’s “Beatus vir” (1640) by the Prague “early music” group Collegium 1704. It’s disturbing to see the combination of beautiful music, beautiful setting, beautifully produced video, even the instruments are beautiful (the interestingly shaped bows, for example, true to the historical period) — and then the COVID masks the performers all wear. The Latin text is Psalm 112, “Praise ye the Lord. Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord.” If I ran Collegium 1704, I suppose I would do just as they did. If you’re an artist, you want people to say, “Did you see…? What do you think of…?” In that, they succeeded. Yet the images are Read More ›

Doctor Injecting Patient With Coronavirus Vaccine
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Dershowitz Wrong: Government Can’t Compel You to Take COVID-19 Vaccine

Harvard law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz has made quite a media stir by claiming that the government can force us all to receive COVID-19 vaccines if one is developed. But And the government certainly doesn’t have “the power to literally take you to a doctor’s office and plunge a needle into your arm.” Read More ›
Wesley Smith On Laura Ingraham Show

Wesley Smith Joins Laura Ingraham to Discuss the Dangers of Contact Tracing

Wesley J. Smith, Senior Fellow at Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, sat down with Laura Ingraham to express his concerns about using ‘contact tracing’ as a means of combatting COVID-19. Especially as technocrats continue to use the pandemic as a way to seize power. Read More ›

‘The Committee Heard From People Who Had Made Plans for Suicide’

Australia braces for more intentional killing, as Queensland appears set to join Victoria in embracing what we euphemistically term “assisted dying”: Queenslanders are set to find out this week whether [assisted suicide and/or lethal injection euthanasia] laws will be introduced by the Palaszczuk government. In March, a parliamentary health committee recommended Queensland legalise voluntary assisted dying for adults with advanced terminal medical conditions. … The committee, which began its inquiry in November 2018, gauged public opinion on the issue and found most Queenslanders were in favour of helping terminally ill people to die. The committee heard from people who had made plans for suicide in circumstances where they had a life-limiting illness or debilitating condition. It found a terminally-ill person Read More ›

Photo by Lily Francesca
people holding signages

‘Nature Rights’ Advances to World Economic Forum

As the world is distracted by COVID or snoozing in an unwise “it can never happen here” complacency, the “nature rights” movement continues to advance in respectably. It has been endorsed by science journals. Four rivers have been granted rights. The Florida Democratic Party has put it in its plank. And now apparently, it is in the process of being embraced by the Davos set. A piece in support of nature right was just given a high-profile boost at the World Economic Forum. From, “What if Nature Became a Legal Person?”: If the stream were to be granted legal capacity, it could defend its interests and its rights. Should those rights be disregarded, the stream could take legal action in its own name, Read More ›

Measure fever in senior citizens in the nursing home because of Covid-19
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What If We Ignored Those Most Vulnerable to COVID-19?

“We locked down America with relative speed in March and we avoided all the worst predictions of the potential impact of the coronavirus, but we struggled to reach consensus anywhere on how to responsibly open back up.” If we had to write the one sentence history of the COVID-19 pandemic today, that would be something like America’s version. We don’t know how things will continue to play out, but what’s clear at the moment is that state and local leaders appear to be paralyzed. Unfortunately, those bearing some of the greatest costs of this ruling class paralysis aren’t likely the first to come to our minds. Their story is not told in the TL/DR history of this time. We’re witnessing Read More ›

Elderly woman wearing a mask to protect from coronavirus covid-19
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The Bioethicist Pandemic

The increasing outsourcing of health-care policy to medical bureaucrats during the COVID-19 crisis illustrates the dangerous temptation to remove control over policy from democratic deliberation in favor of a technocracy, i.e., rule by “experts.” Read More ›
Photo by Kirill Sharkovski

On China, Human Rights, and ‘Making a Pyromaniac Into the Town Fire Chief’

China’s Uyghurs, a Muslim ethnic minority, are by no means the first victims of the Chinese Community Party, but they are among the latest. Wesley J. Smith is one of the few reporting on the Chinese state's ethnic and ideological cleaning campaign targeting the nation's Uyghur minority. Read More ›