Humanize | Page 4

Genetic engineering, GMO and Gene manipulation concept. Hand is inserting sequence of DNA.  3D illustration of DNA.
Genetic engineering, GMO and Gene manipulation concept. Hand is inserting sequence of DNA. 3D illustration of DNA.

An Example of Ethical Human Genetic Engineering

Our pal Andrew Stuttaford tweeted a story about a CRISPR genetic engineering experiment from the Financial Times. I checked it out, and given the frequent criticisms I have penned here about sometimes out-of-control biotechnological research, I thought it was worth a few moments to illustrate how much of what is being done is perfectly ethical. Read More ›

Kendi: Election of Obama Harmful to Racial Equity

Ibram X. Kendi is the intellectual leader of the new “anti-racist” movement. Don’t let the name fool you. Anti-racist does not really want to end the great evil, but redirect racial distinctions and wield them invidiously against people not of color. As Kendi has written, “The only remedy to racial discrimination is antiracist discrimination.” Swell. Read More ›
People raising fist with unfocused background in a pacifist protest against racism demanding justice
People raising fist with unfocused background in a pacifist protest against racism demanding justice

The Perils of Declaring Racism a ‘Public Health Emergency’

With COVID-19 apparently on the wane, the technocrats who eagerly seized upon the pandemic to justify hobbling American liberty now advocate declaring racism a “public health emergency.” Read More ›

‘Ecocide’ Drive to Make Environmental Damage Legal Equivalent of Genocide Accelerates

Despite the grueling permit processes, extensive environmental impact reports, and litigation gauntlets that currently protect the environment and/or throttle development — take your pick — nature rights intends to become the “shield” preventing the exploitation of natural resources regardless of how responsibly undertaken, while ecocide intends to be the “spear” punishing it. Read More ›

China, Human Rights, and Washington’s Lack of Strategy

Bruno Maçães writes on the United States and our shifting and ill-defined aims with respect to China: I have a column out today that takes a broadly positive view of the European Union’s strategy on China. That strategy seems to me the brightest line of the struggling new geopolitical Union being developed in Brussels. The column goes some way towards explaining why that is the case, but I wanted to add a couple points directly related to how the EU compares to the United States when it comes to China. Well, the essential point, it seems to me, is that Washington still lacks a strategy. I am not talking about the erratic policy of the Trump years. The problem has persisted and Read More ›

Welcome to Oregon State Sign
Welcome to Oregon State Sign

Turning Our Dead into Fertilizer

Oregon is the third state to legalize the composting of human bodies — called natural organic reduction — as a means of disposition of remains. Read More ›
Blue sky and clouds over Henderson Creek, which runs through Rookery Bay in Marco Island
Blue sky and clouds over Henderson Creek, which runs through Rookery Bay in Marco Island

Swamp Rights Constitutional Amendment Pushed in Florida

This is serious. Signatures are being gathered in Florida to qualify a “rights of waterways” constitutional amendment for Florida. The proposed amendment is a form of “nature rights” and is being pushed by (among others) the Florida Rights of Nature Network, the slogan for which is, “Nature is not just an object. It is alive. It has as much right to live as we do.” Read More ›
Liquid Nitrogen bank containing suspension of stem cells. Cell culture for the biomedical diagnostic
Liquid Nitrogen bank containing suspension of stem cells. Cell culture for the biomedical diagnostic

Scientists Kill Embryo Research Time Restrictions

It was all such a con. During the Great Embryonic Stem Cell Debate, “the scientists” promised to restrict embryo-destructive research to 14 days. They said that was because the neural system begins to form after 14 days. Read More ›
Image by Silas Camargo Silão from Pixabay

Florida Hospital Sues to End Ill Nurse’s Life

“Futile care” — the forced removal by doctors and hospital bioethics committees of wanted life-extending treatment over patient and family objections — is, alas, still the law of Texas. And now a hospital in Florida has sued for the right to do the same thing to Genea Bristol, age 41. Read More ›
Caitlyn Jenner

Jenner: Puberty Blocking ‘Proper Medical Treatment’

Children with gender dysphoria need to be protected from suffering the potentially permanent life-shattering consequences of “early” transitioning — vividly illustrated in a recent 60 Minutes report. By backing off a principled position to appease woke critics, Jenner made matters more fraught for these troubled youngsters. Read More ›