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A concept based on the Canadian healthcare system.
A concept based on the Canadian healthcare system.

Reader’s Digest Canada Pushes Euthanasia, Ignores Hospice

The push is on in Canada to normalize euthanasia as the best way to die — to save money and emotional turmoil. How hard is the push? Reader’s Digest Canada — no less — has published a guide to end-of-life planning that pushes euthanasia and doesn’t even mention hospice. Read More ›
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Paid medicine in Canada. Medical tourism. Healthcare in Canada. Treatment abroad. Treatment in Canada. Medical services.

Canadian Hospice to Be Shuttered for Refusing Euthanasia

I have written here before about Delta Hospice in British Columbia, which has been under unremitting pressure by the government of the province — including a funding cutoff — only because it refuses to participate in euthanasia. It is now being forced to lay off clinical workers and faces eviction. Read More ›
Medical syringe in the doctor's hands on the patient's in room h

The Euthanasia Cancer Spreads

The West is tearing itself apart. The symptoms are evident in our bitterly divided politics and the attempts to punish those with heterodox views. Read More ›
Photo by Olga Kononenko

Austrian Court Creates Right to Assisted Suicide

A bit ago, Germany’s high court created an absolute right to commit suicide and the concomitant right to have help in making oneself dead. Now, an Austrian court has said that committing suicide is a right of “self determination” and that obtaining help is part of that right. Read More ›
Netherlands healthcare concept. Medical stethoscope with country flag
Netherlands healthcare concept. Medical stethoscope with country flag

Dutch Doctors Can Now Drug Dementia Patients Before Killing Them to Prevent Resistance

A few years ago, Dutch doctor Marinou Arends attended to her dementia patient in a nursing home. Arends wasn’t there to treat her, but to kill her via lethal injection. Read More ›
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Assisted Suicide is Never a Treatment for Mental Illness

Addressing the UK’s All-Party Parliamentary Pro-Life Group, Discovery Institute Senior Fellow Wesley Smith said that activists and pressure groups often use fear, in particular fear-mongering on the difficulties of death, to push through their agenda. Read More ›