More Proof of China Uyghur Atrocities

Apple Supplier Charged with Exploiting Uyghur Forced Labor

Does Mask Efficacy Justify Universal Mandates?

Another Biden COVID Adviser Wants Second Lockdown

Chinese Government Goes After Nuns!
The pope just renewed the Vatican’s deal with the Communist Chinese to govern the appointment of bishops in China. In what I interpret as a show of utter contempt for the Church, the government has now forced nuns to leave a convent. From the Catholic News Agency story: Due to pressure from the Chinese government, eight Catholic nuns have reportedly been forced to leave their convent in the northern province of Shanxi. Their current whereabouts have not been reported. “Officials declared us ‘dangerous persons’ and repeatedly harassed us,” said one of the nuns, according to Bitter Winter, an Italian magazine that focuses on human rights and religious liberties in China. “They asked us to write down what we had done since kindergartens and demanded to Read More ›

Xi Orders Increased Tibet Repression to Fight ‘Splittism’

Privacy in Human Intimacy about Morality, not Evolution
Recently, anthropologist Yitzchak Ben Mocha theorized on why human beings, alone among mammals, prefer to “mate” in private. From the Phys.Org story: He found that virtually every known culture practices private mating — even in places where privacy is difficult to find. He also looked for examples of other animals mating in private, and found none, except for the babblers [a bird species]. He also found that there were no explanations for it, and in fact, there were very few other people wondering why humans have such a proclivity. And, not surprisingly, he was unable to find any evolutionary theories on the topic. But evolution must be made to explain all! Ben Mocha concludes his paper by introducing a theory of his own — he believes Read More ›

Racism Violates Human Exceptionalism